Klachten en disclaimer

Complaint procedure

KWPS wants you to be satisfied with its services and customer service. Therefore, KWPS continuously works on the quality of its service delivery. Some complaints can be resolved quite easily. If a complaint has arisen a long time ago, it may be more difficult to retrieve all the necessary information. If you have a complaint, we would like to hear about it as soon as possible. We listen to you and look for a suitable solution.

Advice and/or mediation on a specific product

If your complaint concerns advice on or mediation in a specific pension product from a specific insurer and we are unable to reach a satisfactory solution together, you can submit your complaint to the complaints institute (www.kifid.nl). KWPS is registered with Kifid under number 300.014643. Our office has not standardly committed to following the advice of the Kifid Disputes Committee. We will discuss with you in advance whether the decision of the Kifid Disputes Committee will be binding for you and for us. If not, you can appeal to the civil court.


The information provided on or through this website should not be used as a substitute for advice. Decisions based on this information are at your own risk. Although KWPS strives to offer accurate, complete, and up-to-date information from sources deemed reliable, KWPS explicitly or implicitly provides no guarantee that the information offered on or through this website is accurate, complete, or current.

KWPS manages and maintains this website from the Netherlands and emphasizes that the information offered on or through this website is not suitable or available for use in other countries. If you use this website from countries other than the Netherlands, you are responsible for complying with applicable local laws.

Questions, information and contact